EAT Your Heart Out! 10 Tips on Freedom of Eating

Would you like to find peace from emotional eating? Are you happy with the food you choose to eat? Even if you are not perfect with your food choices, do you feel free to make your own selection of food?

Here are 10 tips that can help us overcome overeating:

1. Embrace your stuff.
Overeating, food addiction and a negative body image are some of your life issues. Embrace them.

2. Unravel your overeating hairball.
Food is the cure, your attempt to care for yourself, albeit in a harmful way.

3. Ask for help.
There is a world of help out there: so many fabulous authors and books. I believe we live in a benevolent universe, and that if you ask for help, all kinds of resources will come to your aid. Read. Join a support group. Reach out to others.While you’re at it, ask other women for help, too.

4. You are not your thoughts.
If your mind tells you you’re fat, you don’t have to believe it. If your mind tells you that you can’t live without a cookie, you don’t have to believe it, either. A thought is just a thought. It doesn’t mean it’s true.

5. Examine your fear.
Try this exercise: Put your hand on your heart, close your eyes, and breathe deeply for several breaths. Now ask yourself these questions: What would I do if I was not afraid? What am I afraid of? Where do I feel fear in my body? I’ve asked myself these questions consistently for a couple years, and have been amazed at the answers.

6. Accept your limitations.
All choices have consequences.

7. Plan for your success.
Success is a commitment.

8. Start where you are.
You can start over, at any time. Forgive yourself and move forward, instead of trying to solve yesterday's problems with unkindness, such as trying not to eat in order to "make up" for the previous day's binge.

9. Practice exquisite self care.
Pamper yourself like a queen. Buy yourself flowers. Groom yourself impeccably. Paint your nails. Do whatever makes your heart sing, but do it regularly. Feed your spirit with self care, and your body’s hungers won’t be so demanding.

10. Eat.
You can't fight biology. You are an animal: you have to eat. Our bodies need healthy fuel. Undereating feels terrible; it's been likened to breathing through a straw. At some point, your body will need to take a deep breath.
The irony is that by feeding yourself regularly and by removing your addictive foods you will be less inclined to overeat. And guess what? You’ll probably lose weight: the natural, organic consequence of self-care.