7 Practices to Love your Body

7 Practices to Love your Body

How do you create a healthy body and a healthy body image? Self-care is the catalyst to change. Love in action, it transforms body, mind, and spirit. The same habits that help you create a positive body image also help you eliminate self-destructive behaviors like overeating, dieting, and food addiction.

7 Self-Care Practices for Loving Your Body:

1. Nurturing.
Rest your body when it’s tired; feed it when it’s hungry; stop eating when you’re full. Likewise, feed your spirit with solitude, friendship, loving relationships, and joy -- healthy forms of nurturing -- so that you aren’t comforting yourself with destructive nurturing.

2. Grounding.
Balance nurturing with loving discipline. Ground yourself with structure, routines and healthy habits. Sometimes loving ourselves means setting boundaries and saying, “No.”

3. Authenticity.
Be honest and real: use your body to express your personality and personal style. Likewise, don't use your body to voice what you need to speak up for in your life. Find ways to express yourself without turning to your body, your appearance, or food.

4. Compassion.
The media triggers a negative body image in women because it creates unrealistic, perfectionist expectations. Compassion is creating realistic expectations for your body, accepting the ebb and flow of our health and appearance. Likewise, replace your inner critic -- “I’m such a fat cow” -- with a gentle, nurturing inner voice.

5. Trust.
Health, beauty and our bodies are dynamic, ever changing. Self-care is not about following a check list or overcontrol. Rather, learn to trust yourself about what to eat and how to care for your body as your needs or circumstances change.

6. Openheartedness.
Let yourself be beautiful; enjoy feeling feminine, pretty, and sexy. Likewise, let other women be beautiful, too; life's not a beauty pageant. Instead of feeling threatened by other women, embrace them with an open heart, giving them the same acceptance that you give yourself.

7. Grace.
Feed your spirit. Embrace your body as a unique expression of your divinity. Connect your beauty with your spirituality, making loving your body a spiritual practice.