GERD-Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease

GERD-Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease
It can be caused by the reflux of acidic stomach juices. When we always feel chest pains, heartburn, abdominal pains and acid reflux which severe enough, we maybe experiencing GERD. These symptoms indicates that there is an excessive exposure of acid in the oesophagus which may lead to long-term consequenses like "inflammation and narrowing of the food passage(gullet). Another is Barrett's transformation of the lining of the lower food passage, which increses the risk of cancer.

Some of the prevention are the following: Have a regular mealtimes, if possible don't skip meals; Avoid overeating and eating close to bedtime; Avoid smoking; Take alcohol in moderation; Maitaining a healthy bodyweight; and if possible avoid or minimize stress.