Paulo Coelho: Veronica Decides to Die

As I was looking at the books in our office, I came accross this nice novel by Paulo Coelho entitled "Veronica Decides to Die".

This book is about a twenty-four year old women named Veronica who seems to have everything--youth and beauty, boyfriends, loving family and fulfilling job. But something is missing in her life. So, one cold November morning, she decides to die by taking a handful of sleeping pills, expecting never to wake up. But she does-- at a mental hospital where she is told that has only days to live.

In this book the reader will quest to find the meaning in a culture overshadowed by angst, soulless routing, and persevere conformity. The author questions the meaning of madness and celebrates individuals who do not fit into patterns society considers normal.

Sometimes we live to the dictate of what the society called normal life, and we tend to forgot that we have our own thoughts and feelings. Our way of life will not depend on other people but based on what we do for ourselves. We have our own prerogative to decide on our own.