Slice of Knowledge

From the book "Another Word a Day" by Anu Garg

1. Tarry (v).
- to delay; linger. ex. "Don't tarry", the nanny called to the children. "We'll be late."

2. Polemic (n.)-a controversial argument. ex. The young lawyer was wary of taking on the separation of church and state polemic in his very first case.

3. Draggle (v.)- to make dirty, often by dragging.ex. My son's overcoat, after he draggled it in the mud, was impossible to clean.

4. Orotund (adj.)- having a strong voice; also regarding pompous speech or writing. ex. The politician was rememberd for his orotund deliveries.

5. Sobriquet (n.) - (SO bri KAY)- nickname. ex. Most people know George Herman Ruth as the Babe, his famous sobriquet.

6. Sangfroid (n.) -(San FRWA)-calmness; composure. ex. In spite of the crisis were experiencing, we should maintain an air of sangfroid.