Happy New Year to all!!!

January 2009, Year of the Earth Ox. Everytime the year ended, we hear and watch new fashions, new predictions, new years resolutions...
Speaking of New Year Resolutions, here are some; "i would stop drinking cola"," i would exercise more often", "I would sleep early and would not stay up all night watching tv", etc.... Sometimes we really practice these but after a while we forgot all about them. It's still nice to have one to serve as our guidance even for a while.
Every shows now in television features new fashions, "what's in" and "what out" in terms of dresses, shoes even hair styles. Gold is out and Lavander, yellow and green is in.
Predictions for the year of the Ox are also featured in every shows today. Here is a sample of the horoscope of those who are born in the year of the ox. http://www.chiff.com/a/chinese-horoscopes.htm
As stated here, these are only for the enjoyment and amusement, we are still the master of our own fate.
Wishing all of you a year of prosperity and good health!!!