A-Z of Packing Smart

An article by Michael Co from "The Philippine Star" dated December 12, 2008. After 10 years of travelling 3-4 times a year for business and pleasure and he shares his A-Z of packing smart. He said either travelling domestic or international we should treat our luggage as "an extension of our soul; it should'nt be too heavy and praying of not losing it."

A- Airports- as in "security policies of different airports for check in luggages".

B- Backpack and Bags- The Gold standard of packing is not to check-in anything at all to prevent lost luggage. He uses backpack with light external frame to keep both hands free and lower back cool and dry.

C- Combination locks and cable ties- "forget about keys...just do'nt forget the combination!"

D-Disposable underwear- Tips for guys: don't wear khakis with disposable underwear---they'll "spot"

E- Extra Clothes- "Always, always bring a day's worth of clothes in your carry bag."

F- Folding-"it depends on the article of clothing. We can roll t-shirts, socks and neckties but fold jeans and shirt sleeves"

G- "Good Morning Towel"- it does'nt hurt to bring a small one to freshen up during a long trip.

H- Hotel Map-"download a map from the internet". A copy of the hotel address in the local language.

I- iPods, Cell phones, Laptops, and other tech- invest in separate travel cases for digital toys. Avoid "fanny packs" because they attract thieves.

J- jackets and jewels- wear your jackets or tie them around your waist. Leave your expensive jewelries at home except your wedding ring.

K- Kilograms- as in the weight of your luggage. Pack what you can physically carry if don't want to pay for extra amount.

L- is for liquids and laundry soap- avoid bringing liquids in airports if you can buy them at your destinations. If you like used sachets and packed in a transparent bag for quick inspection.

M- money- US dollar is the ideal currency in travelling. To limit your loss during pickpockets, spread out your money, like putting them in a money belt and securing them around your waist.

N- Notebook and pen- Record your travels like embassy addresses, train schedules etc.

O- organizer bags- you can buy these in department stores. It has different sizes and colors.

P- Photography- photograph your luggage in your cellphone to avoid describing them to airport officials just show them the picture.

Q- Quarantine- Australia has one of the strictest quarantine laws in the world.

R- Reading materials- It can either be fiction or travel guide to kills boredom.

S- Shoes- use comfortable shoes like Boeing and Airbus.

T- Travel Documents- "Keep them together and keep them close."Put them in one place.

U-Umbrella or poncho- Climate varies from places, always bring cheap umbrella or high quality poncho.

V- vitamins and other medicines- Don't forget to declare them when travelling to Australia

W- Wet ones- Hand gels were placed on banned objects.

X- Xerox- photocopy all your travel documents and separate them from the originals.

Y- Yummy- "food does'nt always have to be fuel. Avoid the airport menu unless you're willing to shoulder their profit margins."

Z- Ziploc- "use resealable plastic bags for soap, shampoo and toothpaste."

" Package yourself well, and don't forget to bring your smile." Your representing your country, when you travel.